MT Services support Heart of Tamworth Community Project

Mt Services Donation

Continuing our support for local charitable causes we have made a £1000 donation to Heart of Tamworth Community Project. The project supports a wide range of people in Tamworth and the surrounding area and are based at the Sacred Heart Community Centre on Silver Link Road. Their work includes providing friendship and support for people living with Dementia, Social Isolation, Homelessness and those adversely affected by the Cost of Living Crisis. The project partners with the Citizen Advice Bureau, The Samaritans and several organisations delivering mental health and other much needed support. They also offer creative activities, social groups, lunch clubs and health & fitness classes.  Their Food Pantry caters for innumerable families needing extra help with their food budgeting and there’s an excellent and welcoming Community Café open to all.

Our thanks to Catherine Smith and her dedicated team. Please read more at